iCare4U PNG
Home and Respite Community, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
About Us
iCare4U has a vision to support and improve quality of life to those individuals who are marginalised and living with the effects of HIV. The heart behind what we do is that Every Life Matters and you can help make a difference even if it is just in one other life! Papua New Guinea and associated social support groups are currently challenged in dealing with the issues surrounding the welfare and ongoing support for communities in PNG. HIV and Tuberculosis are particularly rife in this country and require a great deal of effort and support to aid the communities struggling with these issues.
Not only is this a medical crisis but offers significant challenges on the cultural front which sees:
- Children impacted by HIV, either by bring infected or having family members infected are often neglected and even orphaned or abandoned.
- People are ostracised/social stigma and become isolated from the social groups and support networks.
- People are inconsistent with management of their illness, seriously impacting their opportunity for sustaining a relatively normal life.
- Pregnant mothers without care and support increase the risk of passing the HIV virus onto their unborn child further perpetuating the unfortunate cycle.
- Communities are fearful of HIV and do not understand the true impact of this condition and the positive advances made in management of risk.
- This project supports the national HIV/AIDS Strategy particularly priority area 2 (counseling, testing, treatment, Care & Support)
Our Current Team
As iCare4U grows so will our team. We have many potential candidate for these positions.
Our team is made up of individuals who carry different gifting.
Emma Atherton
Co-founder & Advocate -
Adam Atherton
Co-founder of iCare4U -
Crystal Nita
Administration and General Manager for iCare4U -
George Nita
Co-Founder of iCare4U -
Sylvia John
Referrals and Counseling